
Contribute to the well-being of incarcerated people

Staying in Closer Touch has many valuable roles for people who want to help with social, educational and artistic support to confined populations. Some are highly interactive with prisoners, but there are also many behind-the-scenes roles that keep our organization running at peak performance.

Below is a list of jobs with brief descriptions.

Title Description
Prison/jail visitors Visit within a facility and interact with inmates to help them select a book(s) to read to their child. Record the book and encourage the parent to create a greeting card for the child.
transfer and mail books
Once the books come out of the institution, they have to be loaded on a computer in a secure file, a QR code printed and the book mailed to the caregiver. Location: Work from home and potentially a trip to the post office.
Data tracking In order to effectively manage and develop programs, we keep track of reading preferences that parents suggest, data about the recipients and parental evaluation of the programs.

This role involves using google docs and receiving and entering the data on established spreadsheets.Location: Work from home on Google Docs.

Social media postings Work with the board to develop Facebook and Instagram postings to develop volunteers and donors to the program. The ability to use social media very effectively is a major asset.Location: Work from home with occasional in person meeting.
Book selection/Supply orders A strong knowledge of children’s literature is a huge asset in this job. The volunteer participates in a small team to select everything from board books to young adult fiction. This team also negotiates prices from suppliers and may vet donations as well.  Location: Some of this can be done from home. An occasional meeting at the SICT offices will be necessary to prepare deliveries to the prison

Don’t hesitate to get involved if you care about making a difference. Call us at (734) 987-6543 or fill out the form below for more information.

Volunteer for Staying in Closer Touch
